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We're Very Excited About Your Interest in Church Planting!

So you're thinking about planting a new church?  Awesome!  We would love to help you because the planting of new churches is the most effective way of reaching and making new disciples for Jesus Christ. On the other hand, Church Planting can be one the most challenging, difficult, and lonely tasks in ministry and no one should do this ministry alone. We want to be there to encourage, help, and support you.

Please Contact The Society To Discover More About Partnering Together

We Can Encourage, Help, and Support You by...

Providing a Direct Connection to The Church Founded by Jesus and The Apostles

If you’re visiting this page it’s probably because you desire a direct connection with the ancient Church.  There are many good charismatic and evangelical denominations that are faithful to biblical orthodoxy.  None the less, they do not have a direct connection, through historic apostolic succession, with the Church founded by Christ and His apostles. 


While we don’t claim that “apostolic succession” is essential, we do know that there is an anointing in being connected with Christ and the Apostles through the “laying-on of hands”- (Acts 6:6, 1 Timothy 5:22) transferring Christ’s Apostolic authority and ministry from Jesus Himself, through His succeeding Overseers (bishops) of every proceeding generation, up until our current day.  We recognize the “gift” of apostolic succession to the Church, and are celebrants of this ancient tradition (not doctrine), followed by our brothers and sisters of the past.  Together, we are a part of a universal "Communion of Saints" (past and present followers of Jesus) united in God through Jesus Christ.

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It's also worth considering that being directly connected with the apostolic church helps authenticate our witness in a post-modern and post-Christian culture that often looks to the past to help validate religious truth claims of the present.  We are re:opening ancient wells of our Christian faith to help empower The Church's eternal witness that "Jesus is Lord".


Through ordination and loving shepherding by our bishop, and with the members of our Society , we will gladly share all of the treasures the Lord has given us- both old and new.

Sharing Our Anointing, Experience, and Know How in "Convergent", "Ancient-Future", "Vintage Faith", Church and Worship


You’re probably visiting this site because you are interested in “Convergence”, “Ancient-Future”, or “Vintage Faith” church and worship expression.

Our expression goes far beyond lighting a few candles and presenting other decorative pieces to express the beauty, ethos, and power of the ancient church.  Like any other expression in ministry, there truly is an anointing to blending Evangelical, Charismatic, and Sacramental ministry; and also blending Contemporary and Liturgical worship.  We not only do it, we embody it through the calling and gifting of being a Spirit filled "Convergent" diocese that is anointed by the ministry of The Holy Spirit.

Sharing Our Anointing, Experience, and "Know How" in any of the Streams of Jesus' Ministry and Spirituality

If you come from an Evangelical or Charismatic background, we can impart to you the sacramental dimension of the Gospel. If you come from an Evangelical or Sacramental background, we can impart to you the Charismatic dimension of the Gospel.

Offering Encouragement and Equipping from People Who Have Planted, or are Currently Planting Churches


We have some practical resources available on our Church Planting Resources Page, and we can refer you to other wonderful printed resources. However, the best resource we have to share with you is to connect you with people in our Society (or Communion) who have planted, or are planting a church.  They can be a first hand resource to help you get started, to be a sounding board for ideas, to share the experience of their mistakes and successes, and to encourage you.  Together, you'll never be church planting alone. We are a Spiritual Family That Will Love You and Encourage You.

Finally, there's no sugar coating it, Church Planting is one of the most challenging tasks in ministry.  The continuation rate for church plants after 10 years is rather low.  Whether, in the eyes of the world, you "succeed" or "fail", you can be assured that your brothers and sisters in this Society will love you and pray for you, and your bishop will always be there to encourage and help you.

Contact Us

Contact Bishop Wayne


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4024 Versailles Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK. 73116

Copyright 2023 The Society of St. Patrick and St. Aidan

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