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How We Define "Anglicanism"

The CEEC defines Anglicanism as English Orthodoxy, developing from the very beginning of the Christian faith in the British Isles and enduring to the present age. Therefore, in our usage, Anglicanism is inclusive of its Celtic origins, Patristic roots, the Medieval Church, the Protestant Reformation, the Wesleyan Evangelical Revival, the Oxford Movement, and the modern Charismatic renewal.


We measure Anglican history not only from Thomas Cranmer forward, but also from the Reformation backward. Anglicanism in the CEEC is not shaped by its connection to the See of Canterbury, but by its relationship to history.


The elements of Anglicanism as we practice them are: 1. The priority and authority of Holy Scripture as the source of our knowledge of God. 2. The doctrinal guidance of the Catholic Creeds; Apostle's, Nicene, and Athanasian. 3. The truth that salvation is, in the final analysis, the gift of God and by grace alone. 4. The use of liturgy which is faithful to Scripture and embodies the experience of the church in worship over the centuries. 5. The historic episcopate, or the order of bishops, as a sign of the unity of the one Church of God. The English (Anglican) reformers insisted on the retention of the historic order of bishops. 6. The threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter (priest), and deacon as that ministry which God has led the Church to adopt since primitive times. 7. The two Gospel sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion ordained by Christ for regular use in the Church. 8. The unity of the ministry of the Word and Sacrament in the Service of Holy Communion. 9. The need for regular preaching and teaching from the Holy Scriptures. 10. The recognition that the visible unity of the Church on earth is God's will. 11. The need for a regularly reviewed Canon Law, to respond to the unfolding needs of the people and the Church. 12. The priesthood of the whole Church as a worshiping and praying community. 13. The recognition of the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit and the impartation of empowered spiritual gifts and ministries in our time. 14. A commitment to fulfill The Great Commission to winning the world to Jesus Christ into the Third Millennium.

We have an Anglican Ethos

Ethos is the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.

We look to Scripture, Tradition, and Reason as our sources of “authority”.

We test all teaching by sacred Scripture (The Bible).

“Tradition” is the historic teachings, understandings, norms, and practices of The Church that align with Scripture. Tradition is often found in the writings of the successors to the Apostles (Church Fathers). When Christians are divided over our understanding of Scripture- we can use tradition to gain insight.

We value the role of “God given reason” for understanding our faith. We recognize the role of the humanities, philosophy, sciences, and social sciences in understanding our faith.  The renowned Christian writer and Oxford professor- CS Lewis- was an Anglican.

Scripture, Tradition, and Reason tell us that Christians of good will can disagree on non-essentials of the Christian faith .  For example, tradition (attributed to Saint Augustine) teaches us "In essentials- unity, in nonessentials- liberty, and in all things- love." We are neither “fundamentalist” nor “liberal”.  We would probably be labeled as “socially traditional and theologically moderate”.  None the less, we are passionate about Jesus Christ– the only Lord of history, proclaiming his Gospel, and making disciples to follow him.


CS Lewis

Via Media

We are traveling the "Middle Road" 

(The Via Media). We are a communion that bridges and transcends: Catholic and Protestant, Charismatic, Evangelical, and Pentecostal.

We are incarnational.  The Church is The Body of Christ.  Therefore, we are Christ's Church– The Body of Christ, and we exist to embody and live out Christ’s ministry, mission, and presence to all people.


We are sacramental.  We believe that the grace of God can be conveyed through sign and symbol: Baptism, Communion, Laying on of Hands, and anointing with oil…


We have a high view of holy Communion and, like the ancient- apostolic church, we celebrate it every Sunday.

We can naturally be casual, semi-formal, or formal. It all depends on the occasion.  Weddings are usually formal, special holidays, like Christmas Eve, might be semi-formal; while weekly worship services might be casual.

We have an admiration ​and affinity with the spirituality of the ancient Celtic Church of the British Isles.

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