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We are spiritual family of friends in Jesus who are also- deacons, lay people, missionaries, pastors, and priests.


Partnering Together

Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus 

"Dying You Destroyed our Death. Rising You Restored our Life.  Lord Jesus, You are the Savior of The World!"

We’re very excited about your interest in partnering with The Society!  Our desire is to ensure that our ministry network is the right fit for you, and that we can encourage, help, and support you in accomplishing your God given ministry and mission.  Our goal is to expand the kingdom, rather than to expand The Society.


Church Planters: Please know that we are especially eager to work with those who are interested in planting churches in partnership with The Society. 


Dual Credentials:  It is possible to be ordained and credentialed through the Society of St. Patrick and St. Aidan, while maintaining clergy credentials with another church or denomination.


Ecumenical Clergy:  Partner with us as an ecumenical minister, and maintain your clergy identity in another denomination or independent church.


Transfer as Clergy:  We welcome clergy to transfer from other denominations and churches to our Society.  For clergy transferring from churches and denominations not in Historic Succession, please check out our Process to Ordination page.  For clergy ordained in Historic Succession, please contact Bishop Wayne or Fr. Jon to inquire about reception into The Society or download the Application Packet.


Reasons Why Clergy Might Partner with Us


Freedom:  The Society is attractive to ministers because of the relational structure, and the freedom to minister in “out of the box” methodology”.  Every structure of Christian cooperation has “rules”, our “rules” are intended to “release”, rather than “restrict” people in ministry. 


Orthodoxy: Your present denomination has abandoned biblical orthodoxy and you want to connect to The Society for spiritual and ministry support.


Convergence: You've been moved by the Holy Spirit to holistically express the evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental streams of Jesus' ministry and spirituality.


Ordination: You're seeking spiritual covering and want to be ordained in historic apostolic succession. Please visit the Ordination Page.


Spiritual Covering and Friendship:  Clergy ministering in independent and nondenominational ministries often find themselves having a sense of being "all alone".  The Society can help you as a clergy network where you will find encouragement, friendship, and support- especially during difficult times. Your brothers and sisters, in Christ, will always be available for a text message, phone call, video chat, or personal visit.

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