Saint Patrick of Ireland
The patron saint of our Diocese is
Patrick- Apostle to Ireland.
Patrick and the Celtic missionaries won Ireland to Christ and re:evangelized Britain and barbarian Europe. The Wild Goose (how the ancient Celts referred to The Holy Spirit) is sending us out in the Spirit of Patrick to help re:evangelize the nations and reach the unreached people of the Earth.
St. Patrick crossed a hostile and stubborn sea to Evangelize and Disciple the Irish. In the Spirit of St. Patrick we are crossing a hostile and stubborn sea of unbelief as we re:Evangelize and Disciple the post-Christian and post-modern nations.
Join us on this Missional Journey!
The Diocese of St. Patrick
Greetings in the strong name of JESUS! We're glad you've landed upon our cyber shores to discover more about our diocese. We are an episcopal diocese (ministers and laity who are shepherded by a bishop) of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
Our bishop is Archbishop Wayne Boosahda. You can discover more about our history on the Brief History page.
Rather than a geographical diocese, we are a relational diocese of ministers and lay people who are united in historic Anglican orthodoxy, ministry values, and a Celtic Christian - Anglican ethos.
The Bishop's relationship with the clergy, churches, and people of the diocese is a relationship of compassion, guidance, and love. It's is a voluntary relationship of the servant ministry of Jesus as The Good Shepherd. Every local church and ministry in this diocese owns it's own property. Every minister and lay person's participation in this diocese is totally voluntary. Our Bishop humbly and lovingly serves us and we humbly and lovingly trust and submit to his pastoral leadership.
The best way to get to know more about our diocese is to connect with the nearest member of our diocese. If that is impractical, please contact Bishop Wayne and start an email connection, or even better, schedule a phone or Skype meeting. He would love to meet you, get to know you, and discover how he might be of help to you.